Rosy-Finch December Newsletter
It is not too late to join Feeder Counts!
Watch the online training, schedule your Feeder Counts, and submit your data to be in the running this year's Rosy-Finch Rewards:
Cotopaxi hip packs printed with our beautiful rosy-finch logo!
Feeder Count Resources
Community Science Resources
Data Entry
Survey123 Phone App Directions (optional)
These resources can all be found on the Rosy-Finch webpage
Spotlight on the Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches are showing up at bird feeders across the American west recently. These birds have migrated to us from places far to the north, including Alaska. offers incredible simulations of their movement across North America. Your Feeder Counts inform these models.
Our research team is tracking rosy-finches using the same color bracelets or "bands" that you, our volunteers are reporting. Some of our research birds are sporting microchips in those bands that record their unique identification when they stop at one of our special bird feeders.
Our season is barely underway and we have already had five of our rosy-finches return to their winter homes in Utah; two of which were banded 3 years ago! There is a good chance your birds have been traveling to your feeder for years.
Volunteer Highlight: Marjorie Westermann
Photo shared by Marjorie Westermann
Marjorie Westermann has been conducting Feeder Counts from her Colorado home for several years. She not only shares her home with Brown-capped Rosy-Finches, but a bounty of other wildlife as well, including beaver, moose, fox, and mountain lions. The work that Marjorie puts into conserving spaces for wildlife is an inspiration!
Thanks for being a rosy-fincher, Marjorie!
We Love Hearing from You!
Share your rosy-finch feeder count stories and photos with us, and let us know where you're rocking your 2022 Rosy-Finch Sticker!
Support Rosy-Finch Conservation
This work depends on the generosity of our community of donors, volunteers, and supporters. We're looking for funding so it can continue into the coming years.
Do you believe in this project and have the resources to support rosy-finches? Please donate to the Rosy-finch Project today. Make sure to leave a comment indicating that your donation should support the Rosy-Finch Project.