Rosy-Finchers, We Did It!
Thank You!
April 30 marks the last day of our rosy-finch season! Don’t forget to turn in your feeder count datasheets via the Survey123 app or email us your datasheets at
On behalf of fellow rosy-finch aficionados, wildlife managers, and conservationists, we thank you so much for contributing to this project! We now have two full winters of data that is informing how we understand rosy-finch distribution, migration, and occurrence.
Your feedback is valued.
Please tell us about your experience as a rosy-fincher! Your input is used to create better projects for you and our wildlife.
** Spring Cleaning Notice Continues**
Highly Pathogenic Avian Flu has made it West. At this time, state and federal officials have not requested bird feeders are removed. Please continue to clean your feeders regularly (once a week). We continue to monitor our region for reports of major avian illness outbreaks at feeders and will communicate if additional actions need to be taken.
Tips on cleaning bird feeders are on Project Feeder Watch’s website.
If you see dead or sick birds, remove all feeders and bird baths for at least one month. This will help stop the spread. It’s okay if you need to cancel a feeder count! If you have questions, concerns, or want to report observations, reach out to us at
Rosy-Finch Rewards
Janet Baer of Idaho
“We first saw Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches at the feeder at our house in Island Park Idaho in February 2020. The first day we saw them, only one or two visited the feeder, the next day even more visited, and by the third day we had well over 100! We enjoyed their company for a few weeks that year. We are happy that they have visited each year since 2020. We decided to participate in the rosy finch project to learn more about the birds and to contribute to the rosy finch data base.”
Janet’s local flock of Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches! Credit: Janet Baer
Support Rosy-Finch Conservation
This work depends on the generosity of our community of donors, volunteers, and supporters, and we're looking for funding so it can continue into the coming years. Do you believe in this project and have the resources to support rosy-finches? Please donate to the Rosy-finch Project today. Make sure to leave a comment indicating that your donation should support the rosy-finch project.
On behalf of rosy-finches, thank you so much for your time and resources. You make this project possible!
Quick Links
Conduct your Feeder Counts! Last survey window is the month of April.
Enter Your Feeder Count data in Survey123 or email your datasheet to