Scratching the "get outside" itch this spring...while helping wildlife!
If you're like us, warming weather brings with it the call of the great outdoors—whether that's mountain trails or a neighborhood walk. Get some fresh air and further local conservation efforts through our spring/summer field season!
Check out our upcoming projects below. To receive alerts when a training is approaching and get updates, sign up for email lists on the projects that spark your interest.
Wasatch Wildlife Watch
Set up and monitor wildlife cams across the Wasatch. This supports planning for things like wildlife bridges.
Utah Herp Search (New!)
Be part of our new project helping amphibians and reptiles across Utah. Learn how to join from your home!
Can't decide? Sign up for our project volunteer list to receive information on each project training.
Collaborative Conservation Event Recording
Thank you for joining Sageland Collaborative and Swaner Preserve & EcoCenter for "Finding Healing Through Collaborative Restoration." Shoshone and university leaders discussed their local project restoring the site of the Bear River Massacre. Drawing from Robin Wall Kimmerer's Braiding Sweetgrass, the project weaves multiple knowledge types for an innovative conservation model that serves long-term healing.
Missed the conversation? Watch the recording.
New Project Coming Soon: Utah Herp Search
Utahns, we're getting excited about our upcoming project launch for Utah Herp Search! If you love amphibians and reptiles, want to learn more about them, or want to support their conservation, this project is for you.
What: A project for new and experienced "herpers" (amphibian and reptile enthusiasts) alike to learn about herps and contribute to conservation.
Why: Herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles) often don't get as much attention as more charismatic mammals. But they need conservation support too! This project supports our understanding of these unique creatures, allowing state agencies and other groups to manage their populations as effectively as possible.
When: The project will be starting mid-late summer of this year.
How: Sign up for our email list below, and we'll be sending updates this summer.
Sign Up to Receive Project Updates
Not Too Late to Join!
If you've been wanting to join our Rosy-Finch Project this season but haven't yet done so, now is the time!
March 1 began our fourth survey window, which runs until the end of the month. Join to help us understand the mysterious rosy-finch and plan for its conservation.
Photos: Rob Tolley (top), Janice Gardner (bottom)
April Biodiversity Challenge
A fox explores a winter Wyoming landscape. Photo: Rob Tolley
Having all kinds of life forms—from the tiniest bee to the largest moose—keeps our ecosystems and the services they provide us healthy. As humans, the value of sharing a planet with diverse fungi, plants, animals, and ecosystems can be difficult to demonstrate through science and data alone. That's why, as we prepare to celebrate Earth Day, we'll soon be asking for artistic submissions illustrating western landscapes and life forms you love.
Are there wildlife species (plants included) or places in the West that have your heart? Get ready to join us in this challenge April 1-22.
In the News
Check out a recent Salt Lake Tribune article about our Rosy-Finch Project.
Our researchers, partners, and volunteers have worked hard over multiple years to establish this project in support of these mysterious species. Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your passion for wildlife and lands in the West! To support conservation in the places you love, donate today.
Visit the project page on our website or connect with us on social media (see links below) to learn more about our conservation work, and please contact us with any questions or suggestions.