We're Talking All Things Monarchs
Monarch butterfly, photo by Janice Gardner
August slipped away like a Monarch butterfly (so fast, we didn't even have time to take a photo!) Fortunately, we're still in full swing of pollinator season, including Monarch migration! Keep your eyes peeled as Monarchs make their way back through Utah and head to their overwintering grounds in California.
Not sure where to find the pollinators? Read through our July Newsletter for our favorite pollinator hotspots near Salt Lake City!
Volunteer Resources
Thank you to everyone who has entered data so far this season! To get started, or for a refresher, explore the guides and resources below:
Community Science Resources
Data Entry
For more tools, resources and information, visit the Utah Pollinator Pursuit website.
In the News
This week, Sageland Collaborative's ecologist and Utah Pollinator Pursuit co-lead Mary Pendergast had the opportunity to talk with Kade Gardner of ABC4 about the importance of the work that our community scientists are doing.
The information will help conservationists know where to prioritize dollars, restore habitats and what areas to protect in order to provide breeding grounds for these species in decline. Pendergast explained that because of the wet, late start to spring, Utahns could see monarch butterflies into October this year.
Cross-Project Pollination
Utah Pollinator Pursuit is so cool, our staff and volunteers can't resist logging pollinator sightings even while out participating on other projects! Here are some cross-project pollination highlights:
Intermountain West Shorebird Survey
Sageland Collaborative's new Interim Executive Director, Janice Gardner, saw 6 Monarch butterflies while out conducting shorebird surveys earlier this month!
Thank you to Janice for always logging your pollinator sightings, even when you're surveying for other wildlife!
Our partners at the Hogle Zoo joined us to conduct RSRAs and Amphibian Habitat surveys in Summit County, and Boreal Toad Project co-lead Kayleigh Mullen took some time to awe over the bumblebees who were resting on these wildflowers.
(Looking for ways to get involved after peak pollinator season? We just opened up our Riverscape dates and are looking for volunteers!)
Wasatch Wildlife Watch field volunteer, Brooke, stopped to log bumblebees foraging on nettleleaf horsemint on a hike to a pal's camera site.
The wildflowers that have been blooming across Utah are a haven for pollinators and other wildlife.
Interested in seeing what our Wildlife Watchers have seen this season? Join us for Image Analysis this Fall!
Sageland Collaborative's Communications & Development Specialist, Sierra Hastings, has loved getting out into the field this season! She loves scoping out bumblebees like this one while doing Boreal Toad surveys. Toad habitat makes for pretty good pollinator habitat!
Interested in joining us and partners for a Boreal Toad Habitat restoration day? Sign up here.
How are you getting out and spotting pollinators? We would love if you shared your pollinator photos and stories with us!
Thank You
Thank you for everything you do to help conserve pollinators in the West! This work would not be possible without the continued support of our outstanding volunteers.
If you're unable to join us in the field this year, there are other ways you can support this project! Please consider supporting this and other conservation work through donating, sharing on social media, or passing this email along to your family and friends.
Don't hesitate to email us at mary@sagelandcollaborative.org with any questions.