2020 Fall Stream Restoration Dates POSTED

Building low-tech structures like beaver dam analogues to restore a degraded Utah stream. Credit: Leslie Roberts

Building low-tech structures like beaver dam analogues to restore a degraded Utah stream. Credit: Leslie Roberts

In the spring, we made the decision to cancel our stream restoration dates to keep volunteers and staff safe during the initial stages of COVID-19.

As we've gathered more information about the pandemic, we've carefully developed a COVID-19 safety protocol for staff and volunteers involved in field work. This will allow volunteers to join us once again to restore degraded streams while staying safe.

Fall Stream Restoration Dates

Friday, September 4, 2020 - Swaner EcoPreserve, Park City

Location: Park vehicles along Bufflehead Drive or Pheasant Way (located here).

Time: 9am-3:30pm, with a break for lunch

Saturday, September 5, 2020 - Swaner EcoPreserve, Park City

Location: Park vehicles along Bufflehead Drive or Pheasant Way (located here).

Time: 9am-3:30pm, with a break for lunch

Friday, October 30, 2020 - Miller/Gordon Creek, Price

Location: Meet at Division of Wildlife Resources Office in Price (319 N Carbonville Rd, Price, UT 84501) and caravan to site.

Time: 9am-4:00pm, with a break for lunch

Saturday, October 31, 2020 - Miller/Gordon Creek, Price

Location: Meet at Division of Wildlife Resources Office in Price (319 N Carbonville Rd, Price, UT 84501) and caravan to site.

Time: 9am-4:00pm, with a break for lunch

More dates to be added in the coming weeks!

Learn More

For FAQs, what to bring, background information, and other resources, please visit our Stream & Riparian Restoration page.

We look forward to seeing you in the field!

Thank You

Wild Utah Project staff, partners, and volunteers gather at Miller Creek for a day of socially distant stream restoration. Credit: Sarah Woodbury

Wild Utah Project staff, partners, and volunteers gather at Miller Creek for a day of socially distant stream restoration. Credit: Sarah Woodbury

We're grateful for your support that makes Wild Utah Project's community science and restoration work, like stream restoration, possible.

While we recognize that this is a difficult time for many, if you are in a position to give, please consider donating so this important work can continue.

Visit our project page to learn more about our stream restoration work, and please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Sarah Woodbury