You're Invited: Boreal Toad and Aquatic Habitat Web Training
Our boreal toad and aquatic habitat assessment field season is fast approaching! We're excited to see so many community scientists ready to get out into the field and gather important amphibian and habitat data, which will assist managers in conservation planning efforts.
You're invited to join us for our web training, where you'll learn how to recognize all life stages of boreal toads and use standardized protocols to assess different aquatic/breeding habitat conditions.
Boreal toad photo by Diane Menuz
Web Training Info
What: Learn how to survey for boreal toads and assess habitat conditions, how the summer survey calendar will work, and about opportunities to make field site visits to survey for boreal toads throughout Utah.
When: May 1, 2020, 6-8pm
How: This is an online training. To join in, click this link: Make sure that if you're joining from a smartphone, you download the Zoom app beforehand. Or, if you can't join from a computer or smartphone, dial 669-900-6833 and enter Webinar ID number 308 679 404.
Agenda: You will have the opportunity to ask questions during the web training and may leave and rejoin as needed (the training will be recorded, so you can also refer to it afterward). Here is the agenda:
6:00 pm - Intro & Species Background
6:50 pm - Q&A Session
7:00 pm - Field Survey Protocols & Data Sheets
7:50 pm - Q&A Session
How to Prepare: To get the most out of the training, we suggest you do the following beforehand:
Open the data sheet, protocol, and supplementary photos so you can follow along during the training
Note the two ways to participate (these will be discussed during the training)
Project Material Pickups
Because of COVID-19, accessing field materials you may need to conduct surveys will be a little different this year. Join our training to learn more.
Thank You
Your dedication to the conservation of amphibian and aquatic habitat conservation is what makes a statewide effort like this possible. Thank you so much!
Visit the project page on our website for resources and updates, and don't hesitate to contact us with questions.