How COVID-19 Affects Our Projects
To Our Loyal Volunteers and Friends:
Wild Utah Project cares deeply about the health and safety of our staff and community scientists.
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is recommending the practice of social distancing. The recommendations that apply indoors—avoiding crowds and maintaining distance from others (approximately 6 feet) when possible—also apply outdoors.
With this recommendation and the well-being of our community in mind, we're adjusting our 2020 field season to ensure that we continue to provide outdoor opportunities that conserve wildlife, but also keep our staff and volunteers safe.
General changes include the following:
We will be offering online trainings instead of our usual in-person trainings.
Some group field trips may be canceled.
Additionally, please note that our staff will be making efforts to work from home for the next few weeks, so email will be the best way to reach our team, rather than visiting the office.
For information on how COVID-19 affects the community science projects you've signed up for, please watch our project communications through email or on our project pages. Don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.
Additionally, here's a bit of good news during a difficult time: if you're currently volunteering on our Black Rosy-Finch Project, Audubon has a great article about birding as an activity for those practicing social distancing.
Thank you so much for your continued support. We'll keep our project communications updated as we receive more information and make changes.
The Wild Utah Project Team