Pollinator Project Signups Are Open!
A monarch butterfly on an allium flower. Photo by Amanda Barth
Pollinators across the West are in trouble. In recent years, the western population of the monarch butterfly has been at historic lows (Xerces Society). Bumble bee populations are also seeing widespread declines.
Though these important insects are native to Utah, there's little information about where exactly they are on the landscape, what kinds of habitat they prefer, and what their migration looks like. Answering these questions is crucial to planning for their conservation.
This is why we're looking for community scientists to join us (from a distance) this spring and summer to #SaveTheBees and #SaveTheMonarchs by:
Collecting data on monarch butterfly use of milkweed
Recording bumble bee sightings
This information will improve future pollinator habitat conservation and creation projects.
How to Support Pollinator Conservation
Community scientists record data on milkweed and pollinator presence.
Our Plants and Pollinators project utilizes the power of community science to record information that is vital to the conservation of these species. It's a simple way to have a big impact on local conservation.
You and your friends and family can get involved by simply attending our virtual training, downloading the project app, and recording sightings of bumble bees or monarchs. You can also become a Site Steward for deeper involvement over the summer.
What's more, this project can be done 100% individually, making it a flexible, COVID-19-safe option for getting involved in conservation in 2021.
To learn more, visit our website, sign up to receive Pollinator emails, and plan to attend our upcoming training.
Virtual Volunteer Training
What: Learn how to recognize all stages of monarch butterflies, record bumble bee information, and identify milkweeds. With this knowledge, a simple mobile phone app will allow you to collect the data we so desperately need.
When: April 28, 2021, 5:30-7pm
Where: This is a virtual training. Click this link on April 28 to join:
Meeting ID: 869 2938 3361
Passcode: bumble
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,86929383361#,,,,*346751# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,86929383361#,,,,*346751# US (Tacoma)
You can also join by phone with the information below:
Dial: +1 669 900 6833 US
Meeting ID: 869 2938 3361
Passcode: 346751
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdo1gJTJqD
RSVP: Please sign up for the project below
Thank you for everything you do to conserve our special insects in the West!
Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you think would be interested. Additionally, don't hesitate to email us at info@wildutahproject.org with any questions.