An Epic Journey for a Little Three-Legged Toad

Dear Friend,

Toads aren't exactly a charismatic species. With warts, fairy tales, and appearance not in their favor, they are sometimes overlooked.

But all that could change with this astonishing video captured by our partners at Utah Division of Wildlife Resources. Watch as one boreal toad's journey across the Utah desert becomes the epic undertaking we all need to see as we move out of 2020 and into a fresh year.

Our Amphibian and Aquatic Habitat Assessments project works to better understand the boreal toad, laying the groundwork for effective conservation planning for the sensitive species.

This season, our community scientists have done a huge amount of work on this project. Learn more about 2020 highlights by checking out our Season Summary or watching a brief video from the project leads.

There's Still Time to Conserve Boreal Toads

A juvenile boreal toad is carefully examined for our Amphibian and Aquatic Habitat Assessments project.

A juvenile boreal toad is carefully examined for our Amphibian and Aquatic Habitat Assessments project.

This hardy nomad isn't alone in fighting for survival. With threats ranging from climate change to the deadly chytrid fungus, Utah's boreal toad populations are struggling. And a lack of basic data to support conservation plans means these toads need people like you to secure a brighter future.

Whether you have a scientific background or not, you can become part of their conservation journey today by donating to help volunteer community scientists answer vital questions.

Your tax-deductible year-end contribution makes projects like this one possible. We couldn't do it without you.

Thank You

We appreciate your generosity and dedication to Utah's wildlife and lands. On behalf of boreal toads and other wildlife in need, thank you.